According to the 2015 World Happiness Report, schools that give priority to learner well-being, have the potential to be more effective, with better learning outcomes and greater achievements in student's lives. More than ever before, this signals the need for schools to become happier places, where qualities that are essentially based on relationships, including empathy, tolerance, respect for diversity, communication and teamwork are truly the basis for an education that aims for creativity, critical thinking, self-motivation, perseverance and optimism.
The main idea of our eTwinning project: "Happy Schools make Happy students" was that schools can be happier places and that all human beings can learn to be happy, but can also be happy to learn.
During the project we shared and discussed important information in the twinspace, which has broadened our perspective about the importance of empathy, tolerance, respect for diversity, communication and teamwork to build happier schools.
It was important to recognize the positive elements of our life and to focus on positive thinking, positive attitude towards others, solidarity and respect,and and to spread this knowledge in the school community.
We worked together with other students and teachers from European countries and we developed our language skills and enthusiasm for the English language.
As a final product, we created an e-book gathering our testimonies and works, which will offer a picture of how we understand and live these values and how engaged we are in creating a happier school:
The project was very successful and it was even awarded with an etwinning National Quality label in 2022 and an eTwinning European Label too.